Des Moines Alimony Attorneys
Navigating Alimony Claims in Iowa With Compassion and Expertise

Is alimony an issue between you and your divorcing spouse? Do you need fair spousal support to transition through this challenging time? On the other hand, as the supporting spouse, perhaps you feel you are being taken advantage of by overpaying what you believe to be fair. Either way, alimony can become a hotly disputed matter during or after a divorce if the two parties cannot agree.
It is best to have a highly qualified divorce attorney represent you to avoid or resolve problems concerning alimony. At Hope Law Firm, we have concentrated primarily on family law for many years, bringing our team’s 75 years of combined legal experience to clients in and around the area.
When you bring your case to us, you can be assured that one of our Des Moines alimony lawyers will provide aggressive legal representation throughout negotiations or in the courtroom. We aim to meet your needs and seek a favorable result while protecting your rights.
Call Hope Law Firm today at (515) 305-2772 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our alimony attorney in Des Moines!
Understanding Alimony in Iowa
In many marriages, alimony (spousal support) is ordered to maintain financial stability for the party with the lesser earning capacity. Alimony is separate from child support, which the court also awards.
Iowa awards three different types of alimony based on the circumstances of the marriage.
The Iowa alimony categories include:
- Traditional, for those marriages in which only one spouse worked and provided the bulk of the financial support for the family. It may be payable for life.
- Rehabilitative is designed to enable the supported spouse to become educated or trained to return to the workforce. It is awarded for a short duration.
- Reimbursement is awarded in short-duration marriages in which one spouse enables the other to be educated or trained for career purposes.
How Is Alimony Calculated in Iowa?
There is no mathematical formula used to calculate alimony in Iowa; instead, the amount and duration of alimony are awarded at the discretion of the judge, who will consider many factors when determining alimony, such as:
- the length of the marriage;
- the standard of living during the marriage;
- the ages and health of both spouses;
- the level of education or training or earning potential for the petitioning spouse;
- whether the receiving spouse is responsible for the couple's children, and more.
Can Alimony Be Modified?
Alimony payments may be modified if either party can demonstrate a “substantial change in circumstances,” which may include:
- a change in employment or income;
- the receipt of an inheritance or pension;
- a change in the number or needs of dependents;
- a remarriage for either spouse.
Is Alimony Paid for Life?
Traditional alimony may be paid for life if the receiving spouse cannot become financially independent due to age, illness, or other circumstances that may make it difficult to find gainful employment. However, the alimony payments may be modified due to significant changes in either party's life and will likely end if the paying spouse dies or the supported spouse remarries.
Contact Our Des Moines Alimony Lawyers Today
We understand how complex and sensitive divorce issues can be for you and your family. Our Des Moines alimony lawyers are adept at handling alimony and all other aspects of divorce. We will always listen carefully and respond to your concerns as we support you throughout the legal process.
Contact Hope Law Firm today to meet with our alimony lawyer in Des Moines!